Sunday, March 13, 2011

Go Bears!

The first soccer game was very interesting, first of all there was a player on the other team about 4 times as big as all of our players!! Although we did have some good players as well.Her team is the bears! So, mackinzy most of the time was sitting on the field dumping dirt on herself( no i didn't get a pick, for some reason) and the other half of the time she would participate, she did better than most though, we had one kid under the bleachers holding on so tight to a rail , hoping his parents couldn't get to him and make him play, one of the little girls just sat on the side line and screamed as loud as she possible could for half the game, but over all i would say we had fun! Then after the game is over they get a snack and kinzy decided she wanted two snacks so she went to the other team while i wasn't watching and got theirs too, that team i guess didn't mind bc they even pealed the orange for her, lol.

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